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作品名称:侠客熊猫Xiake Panda 作品简介:

侠客熊猫,自古侠客崇尚肝胆狭义,身怀绝技却行事低调,行江湖,抱不平,却不求留名;熊猫在上古是战神蚩尤的坐骑,在现在是国人的国宝,萌宠可爱。 侠客熊猫将二者的共性抽离出来,IP化形成独特的形象,用极简美学表达出更具有穿透力的人格化,将传统文化以新中式风格创意呈现。 Xiake Panda: since ancient times, swordsmen advocate sincerity, with unique skills chivalrous, have a strong sense of justice and ready to help the weak,and keep a low profile not leave a good name; Panda in ancient times is the beast for riding of God of War Chiyou, in now is the national treasure of the Chinese people, cute pet cute. Xiake Panda pulls out the commonalities between the swordsman and the panda, forms a unique image, with the minimalist aesthetics to express a more penetrating personification, and the traditional culture with a new Chinese style is creatively presented.