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作品名称:慢物质-笔墨方-七贤 作品简介:

_竹林七贤,寓意深远隽永 _全套以竹为主材 _配置齐全,性价比高 _整体清新别致 晋初有七名士: 阮籍、嵇康、山涛、刘伶、阮咸、向秀。 常集于竹林之下,悠游倾谈,高旷畅快 世谓“竹林七贤” 七贤文盒套装以竹为主材 集成文盒、笔、墨、纸、砚、尺刀、笔搁 七类书写必备器物 又取魏晋淡泊高古、天质自然之意 故名“七贤” _ The seven sages in the bamboo forest have profound and meaningful implications _ The whole set is made of bamboo _ Complete configuration, cost-effective _ Fresh and unique overall There were seven scholars in the early Jin Dynasty: Ruan Ji, Ji Kang, Shan Tao, Liu Ling, Ruan Xian, Xiang Xiu. They often gather under the bamboo forest to talk freely and freely It is called "Seven Sages of Bamboo Forest" Seven Sages Box Set is mainly made of bamboo Integrated text box, pen, ink, paper, inkstone, ruler knife, pen rest Seven kinds of necessary utensils for writing It also takes the meaning of being indifferent to the ancient and natural nature in the Wei and Jin Dynasties Hence the name "Seven Sages"