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作品名称:五粮液-和美四川 作品简介:

四川,简称川或蜀,是中国23个省之一,省会成都。位于中国西南地区内陆,地处长江上游,素有“天府之国”的美誉。为中国道教发源地之一,古蜀文明发祥地,全世界最早的纸币“交子”出现地。四川的代表元素大熊猫已在地球上生存了至少800万年,被誉为“活化石”和“中国国宝”。 《五粮液·和美四川》是五粮液“和美”文化系列的又一力作,该系列是五粮液逐步推出的符合文创收藏需求、符合当代审美需求、符合五粮液品牌调性的高端产品系列。《五粮液·和美四川》希望能够通过设计实现五粮液品牌文化与四川本土文化的有机结合。 五粮液作为土生土长的四川品牌,通过对家乡文化和历史的提炼和演绎,做出了这份诚意满满的乡情之作。瓶盖采用了四川第一网红---熊猫,反复锤炼出其憨态可掬又慵懒的造型,瓶身采用高质量的透明渐变玻璃瓶灵感来自四川的九寨沟晶莹剔透的水色,竹叶随风飞舞在瓶身象征川人竹的气节,并作为装饰与熊猫呼应。金色的瓶底雕刻着三星堆文明的古老纹饰。外盒采用双层裱板的形式,金色和绿色结合,组成了简化版的熊猫,插画做压烫工艺,体现层次感,以熊猫、三星堆、乐山大佛、九寨沟、峨眉金顶、宽窄巷子等元素创作演绎设计。整体设计效果,让人仿佛身在四川。 Sichuan, or Sichuan for short, is one of the 23 provinces in China and the capital of Chengdu. Located in the inland of Southwest China and the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, it is known as the "Land of Abundance". It is one of the birthplaces of Taoism in China, the birthplace of ancient Shu civilization, and the place where the earliest paper currency "Jiaozi" appeared in the world. Giant pandas, the representative element of Sichuan, have lived on the earth for at least 8 million years and are known as "living fossils" and "China's national treasures". Wuliangye · USUNHOME Sichuan is another masterpiece of Wuliangye's "USUNHOME" cultural series. This series is a high-end product series gradually launched by Wuliangye that meets the needs of cultural and creative collections, contemporary aesthetic needs, and Wuliangye's brand tonality. Wuliangye · Harmonious Sichuan hopes to realize the organic combination of Wuliangye brand culture and Sichuan local culture through design. Wuliangye, as a native Sichuan brand, has made this sincere work through refining and interpreting the culture and history of its hometown. The bottle cap is made of Sichuan's first online red panda, which has repeatedly honed its charmingly naive and lazy shape. The bottle body is made of high-quality transparent gradient glass. Inspired by the crystal clear water color of Jiuzhaigou in Sichuan, the bottle body is decorated with bamboo leaves flying in the wind to symbolize the integrity of Sichuan bamboo. The golden bottom of the bottle is carved with ancient patterns of Sanxingdui civilization. The outer box is in the form of double-layer framed boards, combining gold and green to form a simplified version of the panda. The pressing process is illustrated to reflect the sense of hierarchy, and the design is created and interpreted with panda, Sanxingdui, Leshan Buddha, Jiuzhaigou, Emei Jinding, Kuanzhai Alley and other elements. The overall design effect makes people feel like they are in Sichuan.