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作品名称:府青桥下运动空间/Moving space under Fuqing Bridge 作品简介:

2021年5月,成都市成华区成绵高速延线、成南高速延线等2个“爱成都•迎大运”城市空间品质提升改造工程项目——府青路桥下运动空间完工并开放使用。成华府青运动空间起于二环路刃具立交桥下,止于2.5环青龙场立交桥下。全长约1000米,平均宽度18米,位于府青路三段立交桥下,这个全长约1公里的桥下“游乐场”,打造了15处运动休闲场所,覆盖从儿童到中老年人各年龄段人群。本次改造将城市消极空间转化为积极空间,建设高质量、规范化、近距离的桥下运动场所,为人民群众广泛参与体育活动提供便利,进一步推动全民健身事业发展。桥下灰空间改造利用在本市作为首次实施案例,是对成都公园城市建设、城市金角银边改造的实践与探索。改变了市、区级相关部门对桥下空间的改造策略及方式。 In May 2021, the project which named "Love Chengdu • Welcome the Universiade" urban space quality improvement and reconstruction. The project including Chengdu Mianyang Expressway Extension Line and Chengdu Nanchong Expressway Extension Line in Chenghua District of Chengdu City. The sports space under Fuqing Road Bridge. In recentdays, the site has completed and opened for use. Chenghua Fuqing Sports Space starts at the Second Ring Road and ends under the Qinglongchang overpass on the 2.5th Ring Road. With a total length of about 1000 meters and an average width of 18 meters. It is located under the overpass of the third section of Fuqing Road. This "playground" under the bridge with a total length of about 1 km has created 15 sports and leisure places, covering people of all ages, from children to middle-aged and elderly people. This transformation will transform the negative space of the city into a positive space, build high-quality, standardized and close to the sports venues under the bridge, facilitate the people's extensive participation in sports activities, and further promote the development of the nationwide fitness cause. As the first implementation case in the city, the transformation and utilization of gray space under the bridge is the practice and exploration of the urban construction of Chengdu Park and the transformation of Jinjiao Yinbian. It has changed the transformation strategy and mode of the space under the bridge by the relevant departments at the municipal and district levels.