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作品名称:花好月圆挂件 作品简介:

这是一款中秋佳节的机器刺绣产品,但有别于一般市场机绣,我们用机器做出手工的刺绣感。无论是配色还是造型都是眼前一亮的作品。有诗云:桂子月中落,天香云外飘。以月亮为布,绣上银桂、金桂、丹桂,飘落的花瓣裹满甜甜的香,嗅着风,都能感觉甜到了舌尖。用不同刺绣手法,表现云朵的层次,在其尾部打起细细卷,随香飘散。月亮中间悬挂着一轮“月饼”,用纯羊毛制成,绣上吉祥纹,做出以假乱真的月饼。再在上面点缀上3朵立体小桂花,增加了细节感。搭配精致的金属配件和流苏,增加了分量和质感。系在汉服上,一摇一顿,都是一幅幅精微绝美的小景。 This is a machine embroidery product for the Mid-Autumn Festival, but unlike the general market machine embroidery, we use the machine to make a handmade embroidery feeling. Whether it is color design or styling, it is a fabulous work. With the moon as a cloth, embroidered with silver cinnamon, golden cinnamon, dangui, the falling petals are wrapped in sweet incense, smelling the wind, you can feel the sweetness to the tip of the tongue. Using different embroidery techniques, it expresses the layers of clouds, and makes a fine roll at the end of it, which drifts with the incense. In the middle of the moon hangs a round of "mooncakes", made of pure wool, embroidered with auspicious patterns, to make a fake real mooncake. Then embellished with 3 three-dimensional osmanthus flowers on it. Paired with delicate metal fittings and tassels, it adds weight and texture. Tied to the Hanfu, shake it up, it is a delicate and beautiful small scene.